Wallace Stokes answered the question: «How to open a clinic in modern conditionals?»

On the 31 of May international consultant in effective management of medical institutes Wallace Stokes held a lecture in EMC. He is one of the best specialists in this branch. Wallace Stokes held many seminars in different countries. His clients are more than one hundred clinics in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Silicon Valley, which successfully help people and produce a profit. In 2005 Stokes began to cooperate with Russian clinics and now he holds lectures in big cities of Russia.

The consultant tried to answer all the questions about everything that can be difficult, while you manage clinic. He told about marketing and financial features, also he spoke about psychological features of work with patients and colleagues.

The translator of this meeting was Ilya Zlotnikov, who is stomatological consultant, which specialization is marketing, sale and quality of service. He translated all information and also tried to explain difficult cases.

Stokes told that human factor was one of the main things for him. He noticed that managers of clinics often forget about it. The opinion of the patient and relations in the team are very important. A stuff of clinic always brings success.

In order to be a good manager it is necessary to understand human emotions. Maybe it ought to read some psychological tutorials. If you do this, it will be an opportunity to discover hidden aggression of the patient. It is important to understand the patient, when you see him for the first time. His appearance and behavior can show a lot to you.

Also it is very important to create convenient atmosphere in the working team. It will be rather effective to the clinic. It is necessary to find a good manager. Before giving him the work ought to find out his abilities and aims.

A good manager should make reports and plans for the long period of the work. It is necessary to analyze situations with problem patients.  You can find a specialist who can always talk with such patients.  The list of reasons why the patient must not be rude with the doctor can also help in your work. Also the consultant gave a description of the ideal patient, who pays in time, takes care about his health, never comes late and who is interested in services of the clinic.

Stokes also talked about ways to attract new patients to the clinic. Image of doctors is very important for your business. Wallace Stokes is one of the best specialists in the world. His consultation will help to manage your clinic successfully.