Master-сlass «Safety in surgery»

On the 20th of May EMC Medical School held the master-сlass «Safety in surgery». Sometimes it can be difficult to work with modern medical equipment. In order to know, how to use surgical equipment and not to make harm to the patient, the best surgeons gathered together on the master-class in EMC.

The coordinator of this seminar was the coloproctologist, oncology surgeon, Badma Bashankaev. He began this meeting and noticed that this idea of the master-class belonged to American colleagues and was adapted to Russian reality.  Also, doctor Bashankaev told that every highly qualified surgeon should develop his knowledge.

The fist speaker was Ph.D., docent in Moscow State Medical University, surgeon Alexander Natroshvili. His report was about safety in electrosurgery. He told about development of surgical equipment.  In 1926 the first electrocoagulator was invented. It became the second assistant to the surgeon besides the scalpel and began the development of medical equipment. Alexander Natroshvili also told about physical fundamentals, which helped to build this equipment. His report was also about principles of monopolar electrosurgery and dangers of working with this equipment. The surgeon should know the safety regulations in order not to make harm to himself or to his patient. The speaker described different modes of monopolar coagulator.

The next report was made by Ph.D., docent, surgeon of regional Clinic Hospital in Orel Alexei Abolmasov. Definitely, this doctor deserves respect. Bashankaev noticed that Abolmasov is a «self-made» surgeon. He always aims to get new knowledge, tries to find opportunities to study and to become more qualified surgeon. His report was about bipolar coagulation of tissue. His speech he began with the history of «bipolar» of 20th century and answered a lot of technical questions which are connected with bipolar coagulation. He noticed that before the work with the equipment it is necessary to find all information about it in order to use it effectively and exclude heating and misapplication of the equipment. He also gave many practical advises how to work with modern surgical equipment.

The surgeon, Ph.D. Hvorov told about ultrasonic dissection. He described the ultrasonic energy which helps to make dissection safety. This method is ideal and irreplaceable. He reported about the first ultrasonic scalpel Harmonic, analyzing all pluses and minuses of work with it. Also doctor Hvorov noticed, that, at first, the success of the operation depends on professional abilities of the surgeon. There is no medical equipment that can replace hands of professional surgeon.

The next speaker was MD, the professor of Moscow State Medical University, surgeon, oncologist Maxim Evseev. The members of the seminar could improve their knowledge about closure of the surgical wound, types of suture and forms of surgical needles. Also he told about criteria, which he uses, when chooses own equipment. When you are working with surgical needles, it is necessary to read the instruction very carefully, in order to know everything about the instrument.

MD, the professor of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Victor Rachkov told about safety in pediatric surgery and the history of endo-surgery. He noticed that the child is not a little adult. Pediatric surgery has her own difficulties, which were analyzed by doctor Rachkov.

Also on the master-class were representatives of largest manufacturers the medical equipment. They discussed their products, showing their advantages and disadvantages. Every lecture was followed by the comments of representatives of the medical industry. It was very interesting to listen to their discussion about their products. They all tried to tell about pluses of their equipment, also they showed the minuses of the rival`s work. Also they gave surgeons practical advises, how to work safety with the equipment.

In the end of the seminar Badma Bashankaev held a demonstration operation (live surgery) from the operating room of European Medical Centre. The listeners of the seminar were in the conference hall and watched the operation.

It is necessary not to forget that the most important criteria in the work of the surgeon is human factor: skills and knowledge of the surgeon. Now doctors have modern technical equipment that helps surgeons in their hard work. It will be ideal if every surgeon can have necessary medical equipment, in order to help people.