Conference Best practices in Herniology, V2

26.03.2015 to 27.03.2015

26-27 March 2015

Moscow, European Medical Center

International School of Practical Surgery  

Best Practices in herniology, Version 2.0 – From simple to complex

Live surgery + Webinar

The main focus of the conference program will be placed on laparoscopic herniplastic. In Russia surgical hospital equipped with the most advanced laparoscopic equipment, however, the rate of implementation laparoscopic herniaplastic in practical surgery is low. The Conference aims to reverse this situation and promote the popularization of laparoscopic techniques of herniaplastic.

Modern methodical approach to learning new surgical methods of treatment and put them into practice based on the following stages:

  • demonstration of the operation;
  • re-demonstration with a detailed explanation of each phase by the operation instructor;
  • demonstration of the operation carried out by the instructor, explaining each step;

The conference will include 2-3 similar operations performed by different surgeons, based on the above principles.

Director and organizer of the conference - Bashankaev Badma Nikolaevich, laparoscopic surgery, proctology, oncologist, surgeon, clinic manager coloproctology EMC, one of the two recognized Russian coloproctologists at the American Society of Colorectal Surgery, member of the Committee on Internet Development American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, member of the committee of young surgeons Eurasian Colorectal Technologies Association, member of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, a visiting lecturer of the European Society of Endoscopic Surgery.

The conference will be opened by Alexei V. Shabunin, Ph.D., Professor, Chief Physician of Botkin's Hospital, Honored Doctor of Russia, chief surgeon of Moscow.

Invited experts:

  • President of the International Association of Endoscopic herniology Reinhard Bittner, Center herniology, Rottenburg (Germany);
  • International expert in the field of treatment of hernias Wolfgang Reinpold, Hamburg (Germany);
  • Riccardo Annibali, MD, Department of Coloproctology "MILAN NORTH" Columbus Hospital (Milan, Italy);
  • Friedrich Mainik, MD, Chief Consultant General and Visceral Surgery, Hospital of the Red Cross them. St. Clementine (Hannover, Germany);
  • Head of the Surgery Department of Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy V.P. Glabay, Moscow (Russia);
  • MD, Professor, Head of the Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Pediatrics Pirogov RNIMU A.V. Sazhin, Moscow (Russia);
  • MD, Professor, Department of Endoscopic Surgery FPDO MSMSU, N.L. Matveev, Moscow (Russia);
  • Gladyshev D.V., PhD, chief surgeon of "City Hospital №40", St. Petersburg (Russia);
  • PhD, head of Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Surgery Moscow Scientific Clinical Center, Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery and radiation diagnosis RNIMU N.I. Pirogov S. V. Mosin, Moscow (Russia);
  • Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, EMC, MD, professor of pediatric surgery RNIMU N.I. Pirogov V.E. Rachkov;
  • MD, pediatric surgeon, urologist, member of the Russian Association of Pediatric Surgeons R.O. Ignatiev;
  • PhD, surgeon A.V. Abolmasov, Regional Hospital, Orel (Russia).

Moderators of the conference:

  • Professor A.M. Shulutko, head of Faculty Surgery № 2 Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy (Moscow, Russia);
  • Professor I.E. Khatkov, chief oncologist Moscow Department of Health, director of the Moscow Clinical Research Center (Moscow, Russia);
  • Professor R. E. Israel, MD, Professor of Faculty Surgery N2 MSMSU, head of the surgical department, Moscow Clinical Research Center (Moscow, Russia);
  • S.V. Baido, clinic LICOD (Kiev, Ukraine);
  • B.B. Khatsiyev, Head of the Surgical department of the clinic and endoscopic minimally invasive surgery StGMU, MD, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Following the conference all participants will be given certificates in the state sample.

Date: March 26-27, 9.00 – 17.00

Place: st. Novosuschevsky, h. 22/2, building №3, conference hall MIIT

Cost of participation:

  • previously the conference – 1500 rubles
  • at the conference – 2500 rubles

The fee includes:

  • food at the conference
  • handouts

Webinar – 1500 rubles (after the payment, please contact with the organizators to be recorded on webinar)

Doctors of public hospitals at all levels - free of charge (please contact the organizing committee for free registration)

To visit the conference we kindly ask you to register with the organizing committee.

Organizing Committee: +7 (495) 933-67-53,